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Flipping Mathematics Classes: How Flipped Learning Solves the Challenges during the Pandemic

Sharing by Mr. Wong Wai Yip, Methodist College, 1st Runner-up (Mathematics Group)

Several years ago, our school implemented the “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” scheme which opened up room for teachers to try out new teaching strategies such as flipped learning. Then the pandemic arrived and students had to stay home for online lessons. Needless to say, when compared to face-to-face lessons, the learning effectiveness and efficiency of online lessons are undermined. Lesson-time is also shortened. In order to keep learning going, we teachers have to harness the advantages brought by the BYOD scheme and adopt flipped learning more extensively.

In a flipped classroom, students are required to do pre-study and finish relevant tasks before the lessons. Then, teachers can go directly into follow-up activities and check students’ level of understanding during lessons. The teaching approach is a great solution to the current situation as it expands lesson time and makes face-to-face lessons more effective and efficient. In the Case Contest, I chose a F2 topic, which is “area of a circle”.

Before the lesson, I prepared two videos to explain the formula of circles’ area and its application. During the lesson, I used apps like Learning Management System (LMS) and Edpuzzle to monitor students’ progress in watching the videos. I also asked students to do notetaking in their notebooks so that I could check their understanding of the concepts before the lesson. During the lesson, I focused on students’ misconceptions and common mistakes by asking them to cross-check their answers, discuss why they got the answers wrong, and learn from each other’s mistakes. The approach was good for consolidation of the concepts learnt. Moreover, students could work on more complicated questions together and high achievers could help the less capable students. As a result, learner diversity could be catered.

My experience proves that flipped learning is a very good way to conduct effective lessons. Although teachers may worry about the preparation work, there are plenty of professional and attractive teaching resources online. Teachers can make use of those resources. Most importantly, I found that students became more responsible for their studies. They also learned how to learn, which I believe is the ultimate goal for education. We usually think that our students are passive and not responsible enough. Flipped learning is a good strategy to enhance their sense of responsibility and learning motivation.

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